I met Anita 6 years ago. For me, she represents responsibility, professionalism, dedication, kindness and understanding... everything a person needs when working on themselves.

I am grateful to her for changing my view of the world, for making me feel grown up and enlightened and for being able to enjoy life now!

Slađana Radojević
When someone introduces you to the worlds you have been dreaming of, you can't help thinking how words can spoil what you feel with your whole being.

My Anita, happiness, pure heart, support, inspiration, good fairy...

We met last year, and soon started working, and now I can freely say that she was sent to me for a reason, as the greatest gift in my life... God beautifully designed all of this.

A life full of suffering, tragedy, pain, rejection, failure, closed doors, deprivation and helplessness – was renewed by her. More precisely, she breathed in a completely NEW life, which is getting brighter, happier and more aware every day – just the way God intended it for us, but here we are, a little bit "lost" along the way.

I often ask myself if I subscribed to all the garbage of this world and what I would and could have done if it hadn't been for Anita. I don't even want to know.

Anita would not agree with me about the memory erasure, but I claim that she has a magic eraser with which she can wipe everything ugly and hard, and then sprinkle with gold powder and lay new solid foundations... Well, all right, if you ever remember something that hurt and offended it so much, you won't feel it!

To all those who know that they can and deserve more, to all those who believe that it is possible to live a fairy tale, to all to whom kindness, love and life in consciousness are important, I wholeheartedly recommend Anita and all her magical powers, because I am not sure that there is anyone who gives more than her.

Somewhere I read a sentence saying that gratitude is a shortcut to a miracle
. You are my miracle, Anita Marković!

Marija Lukić
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.

Teach a man how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

In just fifteen encounters, with Anita's support, and the arsenal of knowledge, techniques and skills she uses in her work, I have mastered the basic techniques of "fishing", which gives me the incentive to continue, not to stop until I am completely perfected. Fishing is easy to learn here, I will certainly not sit at home hungry!

M. B.
When someone becomes so dear to you, the words to describe how much that person means to you and how much they have contributed to your life become hard to find, because you think that those words are not good enough to be even close to how much that person is worth. Anita is without a doubt that dear person!
Working with her has contributed, and still contributes, to the development of my personality. It helps me to see clearly and choose who I want to be, how I want to treat myself and others, to put myself above the situation. But what I find most important is spiritual upliftment, growth and development on a deeper level. That level, the way Anita works, contributes to the consciousness-expanding and the blockages being removed. Anita's openness, accessibility, knowledge, love, patience make the work even easier. I think it says a lot when you have confidence in a person so deeply that you can open the deepest and most hidden part of yourself, which you would not share even with the closest person.

Having Anita with you is like an anchor with a boat. The ship will go out into the world, to sail, to fight against time, but when it is time to recover, the anchor enters the scene to anchor the ship, to stabilize it, to offer time for recovery. The anchor goes deep into the bottom, so does Anita. She helps the ship to uncover what blockages are hiding here and what they actually mean. Anita helps me to see for myself what is happening inside me, what I need to work on, how to help myself, and then, like the ship, I return to the world and go on sailing even safer.

J. R.
I met my dear and unique Anita upon the recommendation of a good friend of mine. She is cheerful, kind, professional and committed to working with clients. I think she is a pleasant, smart and generous person who successfully copes with her professional requirements and challenges. She is able to provide both professional service and friendly energy, which is a real rarity today.

During our many years of seeing each other, she has made an immeasurable contribution to my change, my view of myself and the world around me. With the help of her tools (TA, dream analysis and spiritual healing), she helped me walk through life more confidently and with more self-esteem. That is why I am immensely grateful to her.

As a great psychotherapist and a good friend, I would sincerely and warmly recommend her to all those who have certain problems and who want to change themselves in their life path. She is an outstanding expert with a lot of knowledge, who loves what she does and is completely dedicated to the clients. With incredible ease and relaxation she emits during the sessions, she is simply a medicine for the soul.

M. N.
Anita Marković